Thursday, May 9, 2013

How Do You Measure Progress?

When you set forth and put a goal into action, how do you measure your progress?  Do you measure it by reaching the goal?  Or do you measure it by the steps you've accomplished to reach the goal?   Currently I am working on living a healthier lifestyle. One of my big goals is to lose some weight.
I haven't seen that number budge too much on the scale, but I refuse to have that define my progress.   This is what I know, and this is some of what I am measuring my progress by.

1.  I have consistently been working out 5 days a week.   I was lucky if I did it five days a month before I started really focusing on my health recently.

2. I am 8 days smoke free!   I haven't held out this long in a very long time.  And I can feel the difference!

3.  I have broken personal records in my running! Consistently holding speed, and a speed I've never achieved.   I have been running on and off for years, and have never ran this well!

4. I have motivated others to join on the healthy lifestyle wagon! Knowing I have inspired others means the world to me and really motivates me to keep it going!

5. I ran up this massive hill with out stopping, falling ,passing out, or dying!!  Now that's progress! (see pic below)
Gabi and I with the Massive Hill in the background!  We nailed that thing!

These are just some of the ways that I see and mark my progress.  The number on the scale doesn't define the person I am and the progress I am making.  As I continue on my journey and continue to live a healthier life, I know it's just a matter of time before I see the weight loss.   I can already see slight changes in my body and my mindset.  I feel better about myself, I carry myself with more confidence, and I know that I am going to continue to enjoy every minute of this!

How are you measuring your progress?  Are you dwelling on what you aren't seeing instead of what progress you've made?  Goals don't get achieved overnight.. They take time, persistence, dedication and hard work.  Don't forget to look at how far you've come instead of how far you may have to go!

Share with us your story!

***Training Stats***
5/5- Goal 3.25mi- Accomplished 3.50mi, 39min 614 calories (personal best!)
5/7- Goal 3.50mi Accomplished: 3.53mi, 42min 622 calories (this was all mainly hills!)
5/8-Goal 2mi  Accomplished: 2.03mi, 21min, 353cals
5/9- Cross Training:  Walked 2.36mi, 41min 337 calories


  1. That is awesome Jess! I agree with you that it is the progress you make... the little things I say :-) That is what keeps me going week after week. Today is my first day trying a smoothie diet: a smoothie for breakfast and lunch and a healthy dinner. So excited!

  2. Sounds great! I look forward to hear of your success! Keep it up! xo
